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Ohio Reports

list-icon Ohio Fostering Connections Report on HB 50 Cost-Benefit and Program Recommendation – Ohio Fostering Connections

list-icon Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force Recommendations to Governor John R. Kasich
Includes several recommendations on how the foster care system can combat human trafficking

National Reports

list-icon Foster Care to 21 – Doing it Right – Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative
A concise introduction to how states can and should extend supports to foster youth through age 21.

list-icon Older Youth and the Fostering Connections Act– Fostering Connections
Another short brief on the importance of state expansion of supports to foster youth through age 21

list-icon Success Beyond 18: Extending Foster Care Beyond 18: Housing Options for Young Adults – Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative
Overview of federal options and state models of housing for youth enrolled in IV-E to 21 programs

list-icon Evaluating Housing Programs for Youth Who Age Out of Foster Care – Amy Dworsky, Robin Dion
Addresses importance of evaluating outcomes of housing programs for aged out foster youth

list-icon California Youth Transitions to Adulthood Study (CalYOUTH): Early Findings from the Child Welfare Worker Survey – Mark Courtney et al

list-icon Success Beyond 18 Presentation – Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative
A brief powerpoint presentation that provides an overview of states’ opportunities to extend supports to foster youth through age 21

list-icon Chapin Hall
The report traces the history of California’s legislation and its innovative and extensive implementation planning process

list-icon Children’s Advocacy Institute

list-icon Cost Avoidance – The Business Case for Investing In Youth Aging Out of Foster Care – Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative
The brief supports advocates in making the case for greater or more targeted investments and to help those interested in developing similar analyses at state and local levels. The brief looks at three important areas: education, family formation and criminal justice.

list-icon Success Beyond 18: A Guide to Support the Implementation of Foster Care Beyond Age 18: Questions & Answers, Summary of Federal Fostering Connections Guidance and Perspectives from the Field – Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative
A comprehensive guide for advocates who are working with their states to develop extended supports to foster youth through age 21

list-icon Chapin Hall
Examines youth experiences of homelessness upon exiting foster care.

list-icon Extending Foster Care to Age 21: Weighing the Costs to Government against the Benefits to Youth – Chapin Hall
Estimates the costs and benefits of extending supports to foster youth prior to most states’ implementation

list-icon Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth – Chapin Hall
This is a longitudinal study that  follows a sample of young people from Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois as they transition out of foster care into adulthood. The study compares the outcomes of young people from one state (Illinois) that allows foster youth to remain in care until 21 to outcomes of young people from two other states (Iowa and Wisconsin) in which foster youth generally age out when they are 18 years old.

list-icon Distinct Subgroups of Former Foster Youth during Young Adulthood: Implications for Policy and Practice – Chapin Hall
This report explains the distict sub-group characteristics of youth who age out of foster care

list-icon Creating Access to Opportunities for Youth in Transition from Foster Care – American Youth Policy Forum