4 Fundraising Ideas for Cancer That Work

4 Fundraising Ideas for Cancer That Work

The treatment of oncological diseases takes not only strength but also a lot of money. This is especially true for US cancer clinics, where the cost of therapy is very high. Therefore, it is very difficult for patients with such a diagnosis to raise money for cancer treatment. We suggest 4 ways to raise money for cancer treatment.

1. Contact a charitable foundation

There are a large number of charitable foundations in the USA that help raise money for cancer treatment. They fund the therapy in whole or in part. They help patients of different ages.

Before contacting the fund, it is necessary to study the conditions under which they provide money for cancer treatment and then submit an application. Most foundations generally require the following:

  • a letter with a story about the disease;
  • medical documents confirming the diagnosis;
  • a statement asking for help;
  • information about family income;
  • invoice for treatment issued by the clinic.

Fundraising for cancer treatment can be carried out through the Internet and the media. This takes some time – a representative of the foundation contacts the patients within a couple of days after the request.

2. Payday loan

If you need cash for cancer treatment urgently, you can apply for payday loans online Oregon that provide money within 24 hours and have high approval rates. Such loans are available around the clock.

If you decide to take out a payday loan, consider the main advantages of this product:

  • no need to go anywhere: all you need is a computer, laptop, smartphone and Internet access;
  • no paperwork;
  • today there is a lot of competition among MFIs, which makes them offer more loyal conditions for their clients;
  • approval and funding are very fast – usually the same day;
  • the number of rejected applications is very small and you will not be asked for what purposes you need money;
  • there are many loyalty programs for regular customers who always repay loans in time.

Today, there are many proven and reliable Internet resources that have collected a huge list of the most popular MFIs so that the client can choose the most suitable conditions.

3. Bank loan

A loan for cancer treatment can also be obtained directly from the bank. However, you should remember that this type of loan is provided by very few banks. Most credit institutions do not even have such targeted programs. You may apply for a usual non-targeted consumer loan. But the interest rate for such non-targeted loans is significantly higher than that of a targeted loan.

As noted above, targeted loans for cancer treatment are unpopular due to the high risk of late debt repayment. Therefore, the bank, in addition to the standard documents, will require an invoice from the clinic, which may include tests, the examination procedure, the cost of medicines and consumables, direct treatment, surgery, rehabilitation, etc.

It is quite difficult to get a targeted bank loan for treatment. But if you are a regular customer of the bank, have a perfect credit history and good financial condition, your chances of getting accepted for a loan increase significantly.

Banks often require borrowers to additionally insure their life and health. But when contacting the insurance company to issue such a policy, you must fill in the health data. If you provide reliable data, then there is a high probability that the insurance company will either refuse or offer a very high rate. And this will significantly increase the cost of a loan. The only way to avoid additional policy fees is by providing the bank with liquid collateral or by attracting guarantors.

4. Private donations

You can raise money for cancer treatment by contacting concerned individuals directly, bypassing the charitable foundation, which is an intermediary in this matter. In this case, you can use a variety of methods:

  • leaflets on the street;
  • Internet forums;
  • social network;
  • newspapers;
  • television.

They collect money for cancer treatment on their own according to the same principles as in the case of foundations. You need to tell about your medical history, attach photos of medical documents and provide bank details where donations will be transferred. It is important to periodically publish the results of the collection online, indicate the amount already collected and how much remains to collect.

It is also necessary to talk about expenses, attaching reports on how you spent the collected funds. It is better to keep a treatment diary so that if necessary, you can open an urgent collection and quickly raise money for cancer treatment or diagnostic procedures.


If you are planning to raise money for cancer treatment, it is important to be prepared that the declared amount may not be final and you will need more funds. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to say which treatment regimen will suit the patient in advance, whether he or she will have complications, etc. That is why you’d better collect or borrow more money than declared by the clinic.